Karelian bear dog 101: Interesting Facts

The Karelian Bear Dog is by no means a domestic dog.

Wild and equipped with a strong will of their own, this dog breed sometimes presents its owner with great challenges. The ancestor of the Karelian bear dog is the Komi dog, which later also found expression in other breeds around the Karelia region. When used as a hunting companion, the Karelian bear dog was able to prove itself early on. The breed has been bred since 1936, but a standard was not published until 1945. Today the FCI leads the Karelian Bear Dog in group five, section two under standard number 48.

The external appearance of the Karelian bear dog


In the Karelian bear dog there are clear weight differences between males and females. Males reach around 25 to 28 kilograms and bitches are significantly lighter at 17 to 20 kilograms.


 Males grow to around 57 centimeters. Bitches reach an average height at the withers of 52 centimeters.


 According to the standard, the Karelian bear dog is allowed to wear black fur, which, even with brown shades, still meets the requirements. Most of the dogs show white markings on the head and neck, chest, belly and legs.


The Karelian bear dog is a medium-sized four-legged friend, whose body structure is extremely robust and powerful. Its thick fur provides an even more impressive effect. The Karelian bear dog carries the tail bent over its back, while its ears stand vertically upwards. Read more about dog breeds here www.mrsdoggie.com

 Special properties


Basically, the Karelian bear dog is a balanced and tend to be reserved companion. However, people should not confuse their reservedness with shyness, because this dog is very courageous, self-confident and completely freedom-loving. Only the individual case can decide whether the Karelian bear dog is compatible with other species, because occasionally it is rather aggressive in contact. Dogs of this breed are friendly towards humans and can get along well with responsible children.

What humans cannot expect from the Karelian bear dog is unconditional submission. These dogs have such a strong will that they are only extremely suitable for keeping as a family or companion dog. For a lifetime, the Karelian bear dog remains wild, independent and does not tie itself too tightly. In his home country, it is quite possible that this dog will leave his home for several days to live wildly. This fact is particularly important for future owners, because it determines the entire life with the four-legged friend

The upbringing of the Karelian bear dog is a big challenge because of its idiosyncrasy. Consistent owners succeed in getting this dog used to the rules of the community, but uncompromising obedience will hardly occur. If the Karelian bear dog feels treated unfairly or if something displeases it, it tends to show its discomfort very clearly. visit teacupdogdaily.com for more info

 Possible areas of application

People are most likely to do justice to this breed of dog when they are hunting their four-legged friends. Here the Karelian bear dog can fulfill its strong desire for freedom and live out its essence. When it comes to dog sport, it depends on the individual case. There are Karelian bear dogs who like it, but the general rule is not.

Care and maintenance of the Karelian bear dog

The living environment in which the Karelian bear dog can feel comfortable is by no means a city apartment. Even a house in an urban environment does not do justice to this breed. It is best if the Karelian Bear Dog can live in a house in the country with a large garden. Fencing the entire property is essential here, because Karelian bear dogs can jump very high and like to break out.